Monday, April 26, 2010

Taking out a Lip Piercing *madonna or beauty spot whatever you want to call it*?

I have my top lip pierced and im thinking about taking it out. Can anybody tell me if it generally scars badly or how long it will take to heal completely?

Thanks in advance.Taking out a Lip Piercing *madonna or beauty spot whatever you want to call it*?
Generally, piercing scars look like natural skin blemishes. In some people it looks like a freckle, some it looks like a chicken pox scar or just a white dot. It won't heal and stick out or anything. It would probably take about 8 weeks to completely close up, depending on how long you've had it. If you've had it pierced less than a year it could close in a matter of days and heal over in a few weeks. The older the piercing the longer it takes to close.

My personal preference - Keep it!

If you don't want to see it every day just get a retainer, who knows, you might want it back. It's not easy to re pierce in the same spot.

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