Monday, April 26, 2010

How could I spot fake leather from designer handbags?

I would like to know on how to tell if the leather looks/feels real or fake. For example, Coach, Chanel, Dior...How could I spot fake leather from designer handbags?
Unless you know the particular style bag has a certain type of leather, it should not feel or look plasticy. Fake leather can have very uniform pebbling- very unnatural and man made in appearance.

Also, depending on the type of leather, look for signs of aging and normal wear. For instance, on real Louis Vuitton bags, the leather will actually change color to a certain degree due to the oils from the owner's skin.How could I spot fake leather from designer handbags?
-Look for a label indicating that the product is leather. Sounds obvious, but it's the most sure-fire way. Real leather products will proudly sport this fact, whereas you know it's a fake if the label reads, ';Man made materials.'; Don't buy a product without a label.

-Study the edging where the fabric has been cut. Real leather will have a rough-around-the-edges look and feel to it, but fake leather will look and feel like foam or plastic.

-Feel the fabric. Fake leather has an artificially smooth, often plastic feel to it. Depending on the type and quality of leather, real leather can range from course to silky smooth. But the texture will generally be less consistent than fake (since you can't regulate the real thing) and have a suppler feel to it.

-Examine for pores on the surface of the leather. Pores on the fake will be in a consistent, repeating pattern, whereas pores on the real thing will be more irregular.

-Take a whiff of the product. If it doesn't have that distinct ';leather'; scent, you can be sure that it's a fake.

-Spend some time comparing fake leather products with genuine leather. Once you've seen the difference between the two, you will eventually get good at spotting a faux right away.
they did a thing about this

on tyra banks

look on the inside, look for

*brand name

*Is the semming good?

If the bag has metal or a zipper

look if the metal is scratched

hmmmm....thats all i know

hope this helped
look at the insid tags, and the logos on front its not hard to tell a fake!!

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