Monday, April 26, 2010

I need help with my facial skin problem, I have a very oily T zone and i get spots alot in that area...?

however he rest of my face is very dry, what could could i do to sort out this problem ? I dont want to have to wear make up. help me please :)I need help with my facial skin problem, I have a very oily T zone and i get spots alot in that area...?
you've got what's called ';combination skin'; and there are lots of products made for different skin types, including this one. i'd reccommend Johnsons, because they have different stuff for everyone and it's very gentle on the skin.

drinking lots of water will also help hydrate your face accordingly, along with the right moisteriser for you.

for the spots, make sure you eat enough foods with Zinc in, such as nuts and green veg. Also, applying teatree oil to them before you go to bed will help them disappear. don't touch them, because then the bacteria on your fingers gets to them and makes them worse. also, they will take longer to heal then and you'll scar, which will mean you WILL have to wear makeup.

good luck, hope this helped :)

ps, if you have a fringe, pin it back when you go to bed, because the oils in your hair have an effect too!I need help with my facial skin problem, I have a very oily T zone and i get spots alot in that area...?
Get hair, eye, skin and beautycare tips from
I know exactly what you mean. I had the same problem and found out that products with natural ingredients are the best way to go. I tried a dozen of them with zero results, however, I recently found one that has a bunch of natural ingredients like Arbutin (from the bearberry tree - it's also getting a lot of attention lately), allantoin, shea butter, lumeskin, evening promise rose, vitamins A, C and E plus a bunch others.

My skin has been brighter, firmer, tighter and healthy looking. It has also evened-out my complextion.

My wife has also been using it with similar results.

The website is:

They even have a free offer currently available.

Try it out.

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