Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have black spots on forehead, how to remove it? can anybody suggest please?

exfoliate and cleanse your skin twice a day.

Drink plenty on water/green tea.

excercise as the sweat opens your pores and flushes your body out.

Hope i helped.I have black spots on forehead, how to remove it? can anybody suggest please?
Umm first off i would say that you should go to the doctor and make sure that its nothing too serious. But if it's not and its just dark spots then you should try some creams to evenout your skin tone. I find Topic Clear very affective when i get a scar or something that i would like to lighten up. But like i said go to the dermatologist and seek an answer b4 i used nething that might make it even worse.I have black spots on forehead, how to remove it? can anybody suggest please?
do you mean black heads?? you can just use pore strips on them. but wash you face first, so that the strip dosent just pick up dead skin.
these black spots might be blackheads, so:

try and find Biore Deep Pore Cleansing strips- they supposedly rip the blackheads right out without any pain...

but if youre sure theyre not blackheads, i would go to your local doctor...

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