Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can I spot a fake Chanel Handbag?

I've recently purchased a Chanel Handbag for a very cheap price. The person I bought it from claimed that the bag is ';authentic';, but I still have doubts. It looks real to me but I'm not really an expert on designer merchandise. Can anyone help?How can I spot a fake Chanel Handbag?
the #1 sign a bag is fake is the price. an authentic chanel bag will run you around a grand, or at least in the upper 100's. if someone is selling one for $200, it is fake. 2nd, you have to look at the quality, especially when it comes to the details. fakes almost always have sloppy stitching that doesn't line up %26amp; cheapo hardware.

here are some really good guides:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>How can I spot a fake Chanel Handbag?
If it was very cheap than it was prolly a fake. Where did you buy it at? That usually will tell you.
the price is the first giveaway.....

no one will sell a $1500. and up handbag for a cheap price.

look at the leather...feel the quality.

if you live near a chanel boutique...go and look at the ones they them to'll be able to tell straight away if yours is fake or not.
look at the C compared to the real one.
look in the inside

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